College Football Confidence Contest (CFCC)

Individual Player Picks 2024

Week 14, Thursday, Nov 28 - Saturday, Nov 30

Total dirty-dawgers this week: 330

Click on your favorite dirty-dawger below to get a look at their sorry college football picks for this week.  These links are normally updated a few minutes after the weekly deadline.  If your favorite dirty-dawger is you, and you notice an error in your picks as listed below, please double-check your verification email (you still have it, right?) .  If there is a discrepancy, and you actually think that it is in the realm of possibility that we made a mistake, you are wrong! 

Full Consensus Info

- New Picks in Database for Week 15

Don Adams Bob Fogarty Scott Lively Cuss Rodder
Eric Adams Eric Forinash Benjamin Lott Rock Rodder
Jeri Adams Gregory Forrester Daniel Luyk Manuel Rodriguez
Caroline Adcock Jeff Frame Katie Magee Gibson Rothschild
John Allen Scott Franke Joe Maloney Scott Rozanski
Matt Anderson Jonathan Frazier Greg Mann Jason Runyen
Linda Ashford Steve Friend Olin Mann Jim Rutherford
Mark Avery Mitchell Gaines George Mathews Brent Ryder
G. Wayne Baggett Brandon Gale Philip Mccarthy Candise Ryder
Don Baker Dale Ganus Megan Mccoy Jack Ryder
John Banghoff Matt Garcia Chris Mckinney Patrick Saunders
Samuel Barritt Bill Gargan Jared Mckinney Darren Scherer
Todd Barron Tim Garner Nate Mcmahon Anna Schneider
Homer Bartson Justin Gibbs Aidan Mcneil Doug Schneider
Hank Bauer John Glueck Ian Mcneil David Schomaker
Todd Beal Todd Gookin Kati Mcneil Mike Seaman
Nicholas Beaty Dan Gossin Liam Mcneil Zach Sefcovic
Steve Beaver Jeff Graschel Scott Mcneil Adam Sherrer
Dan Berc Nick Greenawalt Desiree Meadows Jennifer Shoemake
Zachary Berg Jason Gribek Joe Meloy Todd Shoemake
Michael Berry Dana Griffin Paula Miano John Sikora
Brandon Bigelbach Michael Grover Julie Mich Homer Simpson
Aidan Binau Kate Guillet Brad Mickelson Kelly Sink
Jesse Binau Jonathan Guseman Emma Mims Rod Sink
Nathan Binau Liz Haas Alisha Mize John Sirmon
Otto Binau Brady Hamill Cody Mize Dennis Sleighter
Sam Binau Nancy Hamill Jeff Montgomery Ali Smith
Seth Binau Ryan Hamill Stephen Moran Andrew Sniezak
Simon Binau Todd Hamill Mack Morris Kirsten Snodgrass
Lynn Bobay Nick Hampshire Bill Moseley Derrick Snyder
Trevor Boucher Aaron Hardin Dean Moseley Ronnie Snyder
Barb Mayes Boustead Loretta Harral Howie Moseley Liz Sommerville
Jaxon Boustead Melissa Harral Seymour Moseley Ray Sondag
Michael Bowlan Rob Hart William Moseley Dan Spaeth
Robert Boyd Karen Hatfield Cory Mottice Adam Spencer
Matthew Brady Brody Hazelwood Marty Mullen Pat Spoden
Roger Bryan Bud Hazelwood Phil Nave Phil Stiegman
Brad Bryant Brian Heath Karl Neering Robert Stonefield
Jeremy Buckles Geoffrey Heidelberger Ben Nelson Stephen Storts
Brian Burleson Emily Heller Daniel Noirot Craig Sullivan
Steve Burrus Matt Hemingway Gregg Nolte Jim Sweeney
Courtney Carpenter Jake Herty Chris Nuttall Brian Swinford
Scott Carpenter Steve Hiller Robert Nystrom Brandon Thorne
David Carroll Amber Hluchan Matthew O'neill Bryan Tilley
Tyler Castillo Rick Hluchan Monte Oaks Tim Tinsley
Anthony Cavallucci Brian Hoeth Karen Oram Paul Todis
John Cecava Heidi Holland Kevin Oram Steve Travis
Ted Champney Eric Holweg Tim Oram Sarah Trojniak
Chris Charters Jeffrey Hovis Caiden Orosco Larry Vannozzi
Bill Cline Krissy Hurley Michael Orosco Debra Vaughn
Steve Cobb Tom Hurley Jimmy Orsag Joel Veeneman
Eric Coleman Mike Imgarten Alexander Overton Johnny Vegas
Mark Conder Matthew Johnson Carol Overton Keith Ventimiglia
Mike Coyne Mike Johnson Jeffrey Overton Nicole Ventimiglia
John Crafter Raymond Jojola Teddy Overton Judy Vesper
Jeff Craven Darone Jones Rusty Painter Pat Vesper
Tom Dang Eric Jones Dale Parra Jeff Vitale
Becca Darish Fox Jones Cathy Pate Dick Wagenmaker
Aaron Davis Julie Jones Andy Patrick Bob Wagner
Matt Demaria Laura Jones Nathan Patrick Gregory Waller
Mark Didrick Nervous Jones Trinna Patterson Linda Walters
Allan Diegan Michael Jurewicz Mark Pellerito Jeff Ward
Dan Dixon Scott Kahn Juan Pena Ashley Warthen
Tim Doggett Scott Kahn Will Perry Seth Warthen
Jerry Douglas Jeramie Keys Gary Petti Justin Weaver
Ken Drozd Amy King Homer Picker Nick Webb
Dale Dues Doug Kluck Mark Plate Jeff Weiler
Aaron Dugger Danielle Knittle Eric Platt Nathan Wellington
J.r. Dunn Walter Kolczynski Sean Poulos Judy Whaley
Lacy Dunn David Kopfmann Andrew Pritchett Brett Whitin
Lisa Dunn Dan Kozlowski Victor Proton Graham Whitin
Derek Eisentrout Samuel Kruse Cyndi Pulis Mark Wiley
Jason Elliott Joe Kunches Michael Pulis Brett Williams
B.f. Ellis Linda Kunches Jeff Raberding Marshall Willinholly
Bj Ellis Richard Lafosse Neal Rayburn Paul Witsaman
Mary C Embry Ej Leche Brad Reinhart Charlie Woodrum
Linda English Jared Lee Matt Rendall Penny Zabel
Chad Entremont David Lemons Alan Rezek Jon Zeitler
Keenan Eure Chris Leonardi Isaac Rhea Jeff Zoltowski
Tom Fannin Todd Lericos Herman Rice Mike Zwier
Amanda Fanning Andy Lesage Nathan Rick
Pete Fickenscher Alex Libardoni Robert Ricks
Greg Flint Carl Lindecrantz Sam Roberts
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